Hinge Health Muscle and Joint Pain Program Title Image

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A Making Healthy Cheaper Benefit, included Free with Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze & Cobalt Health Plan Options
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Save Time & Money Overcoming Joint & Back Pain Anytime, Anywhere

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Lives Changed
71% Reported Reduced Pain
67% Avoided Surgery
23% Reduced Opioid Use

The Hinge Health Method
An over-reliance on traditional drug and surgical interventions to musculoskeletal issues continues to exist, resulting in 50% overspend in unnecessary and avoidable costs.

As a replacement to surgery, Hinge Health has pioneered a proven 3-pronged solution of exercise therapy, behavioral therapy and education to tackle chronic back and joint pain, which also demonstrates reductions in the rates of depression, anxiety and absenteeism by more than 50%.

Exercise Therapy
A free tablet and wearable sensors for real-time feedback and tracking
During stretching and exercising the Hinge Health app watches
Providing real-time feedback of form and range of motion tracking

Behavioral Therapy
Unlimited 1-on-1 coaching boosts engagement
Coaches provide personalized support via text, email, or call to help you reach your goals

Personalized and interactive curriculum empowering better choices
Guided lessons of 15-minutes each, with the level of difficulty increasing only when ready