Meeting Materials Title Image

Next Regular Board Meeting:
Upcoming Regular Board Meetings:

Participation Details:
Participate In-Person:
        Date & Time: 1/23/2025 @ 10 AM
        Location: Association of County Commissioners of Oklahoma (ACCO Building)
        Address: 429 NE 50th St, Oklahoma City, OK 73105
Remotely Participate by Computer or WebEx App:
        Meeting # (Access Code): 2557 397 4456
        Password: XtEEAniQ327
Remotely Particpate by Phone:
        Call: 415-655-0001
        Meeting # (Access Code): 2557 397 4456
        Password: 98332647
Remote Participation Guidelines:
        Mute your microphone or phone whenever you are not speaking.
        All votes will be conducted by roll call.
        Voting board members leaving the meeting early MUST announce their intention to do so.
        A loss of connection by one or more voting board members will result in the meeting being paused until connection is restored.

Agenda & Materials:
        Items shown in Blue or Red, have downloadable materials associated with them.
        Items shown in Black, DO NOT.

              All Meeting Materials in Single PDF (Except Investment Reports).  
              1      Board Minutes of 10/10/2024 Meeting.  
              2      Board Minutes of 11/14/2024 Special Meeting.  
              3      New Board Members.
              4      Executive Session - Member Claim Appeal.
              5      Actions arising from the Executive Session.
              6      Financial Position as of 12/31/2024.  
              7      Investment Performance & Investment Report  
              8      Investment Policy & Strategy.  
              9      Investment Accounts - Authorized Individuals.
              10    Fiduciary, Dishonesty Policies & Directors E&O Coverage.
              11    Legal Counsel Subrogation Instructions.
              12    Insure Oklahoma Bill.  
              13    Woods County Lawsuit.
              14    New Groups.
              15    Green Imaging.  
              16    Catapult Health.  
              17    Mobile App.  
              18    Ancillary Products & FSA Plan.  
              19    Free Major Medical Care Benefit.
              20    Medical & Dental Network Contract for 2025/26 Plan Year.  
              21    Administration Contract for 2025/26 Plan Year.  
              22    Actuary Study for 2025/26 Plan Year.  
              23    Benefit Changes for 2025/26 Plan Year.
              24    Premium Rates for 2025/26 Plan Year.  
              25    Growth, Education & Retention.
              26    ACCO Membership.  
              27    OSSBA Membership.  
              28    New Business.
              29    Adjourn.

Materials Archive:

Materials Archive:

              1    2023/24 Plan Year - Audit.  
              2    Lobbying Contract.  
              3    New Business.
              4    Adjourn.

              All Meeting Materials in Single PDF.  
              1      Board Minutes of 8/8/2024 Meeting.  
              2      New Board Members.
              3      Financial Position as of 8/31/2024.  
              4      Woods County Lawsuit.
              5      New Groups.
              6      2023/24 Plan Year - Audit.
              7      1094/95c XML Files.
              8      RWA Membership.
              9      OML Memebership.
              10    Insure Oklahoma.
              11    Propeller Asthma & COPD Soultion.
              12    Green Imaging - Diagnostic Imaging Solution.  
              13    Catapult Health - Virtual Checkups.  
              14    Medefy - Member Communication Platform.  
              15    Ancillary Products.  
              16    Growth Opportunities.
              17    Upcoming New Plan Year Actuary Study.
              18    New Business.
              19    Adjourn.

              All Meeting Materials in Single PDF.  
              1      Board Minutes of 4/11/2024 Meeting.  
              3      New Board Members.
              3      Financial Position as of 6/30/2024.  
              4      Woods County Lawsuit.
              5      New Groups.
              6      2025 Meeting Dates.  
              7      2023/24 Plan Year Auditor Engagement.  
              8      2024/25 Plan Year Stop Loss Contract.  
              9      2024/25 Plan Year Rx Contract Improvements.  
              10    2023/24 Plan Year Review.  
              11    Cobalt Health Coverage Option.  
              12    Growth Opportunities.

              1    Board Minutes of 1/25/2024 Meeting.  
              2    Financial Position as of 2/29/2024.  
              3    New Board of Trustees Board Member from Seminole County.
              4    Woods County Lawsuit.
              5    Audit of 2022/23 Plan Year.  
              6    Life Contract for 2024/25 & 2025/26 Plan Years.
              7    Vision Contract for 2024/25 & 2025/26 Plan Years.
              8    Stop-Loss Contract for 2024/25 Plan Year.
              9    Possible Coverage of Non-GLP-1 Weight-Loss Medications.  
              10  IRS 1094/95C XML Files.
              11  New Business.
              12  Adjourn.

              1   Board Minutes of 10/12/2023 Meeting.  
              2   Financial Position as of 11/30/2023.  
              3   Potential New Group for 3/1/2024 Start.
              4   Woods County Lawsuit.
              5   Audit of 2022/23 Plan Year.
              6   Changes to 2023 Submission of IRS 1095/94C Forms.
              7   Claims Data, Trends, Drivers, and Experience.  
              8   Life Contract for 2024/25 & 2025/26 Plan Years.
              9   Vision Contract for 2024/25 & 2025/26 Plan Years.
              10 Medical & Dental Contract for 2024/25 Plan Year.  
              11 Stop Loss Contract for 2024/25 Plan Year.  
              12 Administration Contract for 2024/25 Plan Year.
              13 Actuary Study for 2024/25 Plan Year.  
              14 Benefit Changes for 2024/25 Plan Year.  
              15 Premium Rates for 2024/25 Plan Year.  
              16 Member Presentations.
              17 Opportunities for Growth.

              1 Board Minutes of 8/10/2023 Meeting  
              2 Financial Position of the Plan as of 8/31/2023  
              3 Executive Session regarding Woodward County EMS lawsuit
              4 Possible action regarding outome of item 3
              5 Executive Session regarding Woods County lawsuit
              6 Possible action regarding outcome of item 5

              A1 Board Minutes of 4/13/2023 Meeting  
              A2 Board Minutes of 5/11/2023 Meeting  
              B New Board Member
              C Financials as of 6/30/2023  
              D Review of 2022/23 Plan Year  
              E Meeting Dates for 2024  

        5/11/2023 - Special Meeting
              1 Executive Session Regarding Woodward EMS
              2 Action Regarding Woodward EMS
              3 Executive Session Regarding Woods County
              4 Action Regarding Woods County

              A Minutes of 1/26/2023 Meeting  
              B Financials as of 2/28/2023  
              C Avest Loan Approval
              D Audit of the 2021-22 Plan Year
              E McElroy Contract Renewal for the 2023-24 Plan Year
              F Over 65 Retiree Medical Coverage
              G IRS Pay or Play Penalty
              H Executive Session
              I Actions Regarding Outcome of Executive Session

              A Minutes of 11/17/2022 Meeting  
              B New Board Memeber
              C Election of Board Officers
              D Financials as of 11/30/2022  
              E New Over 65 Retiree Health Coverage  
              F Medical Data Highlights  
              G Rx Data Highlights  
              H Actuary Study  
              I BCBS ASA Contract Renewal  
              J Stop-Loss Renewal  
              K Benefit Changes & Rate Setting  
              L Marketing Strategy
              M Existing Group Member Presentations  
              N Executive Session
              O Actions Regarding Outcome of Executive Session

              A Minutes of 10/20/2022 Meeting  
              B New Board Memeber
              C Financials as of 9/30/2022  
              D Outstanding Group Surcharges
              E Air Ambulances
              F New BenefitsNew Benefits  

              A1 Minutes of 4/21/2022 Meeting  
              B Financials as of 8/31/2022  
              D New Entity Joining the Health Plan
              E New & Updated Benefits
              F Proposed Meeting Dates for 2023  

              Meeting Cancelled

              A1 Minutes of 1/20/2022 Meeting  
              A2 Minutes of 3/3/2022 Meeting  
              A3 Minutes of 3/10/2022 Meeting  
              B Financials as of 2/28/2022  
              C Surcharges
              D COVID-19 Claims
              E Communication to Members
              F Groups Leaving the Plan 7/1/2022

              A Minutes of 11/18/2021 Meeting  
              B Financials as of 11/30/2021  
              C 2020/21 Plan Year Audit  
              D   2022/23 Actuary Study
              E   2022/23 Adminstrative Agreement
              F   2022/23 Plan Year BCBS ASO & Stop Loss Contract
              G   2022/23 & 2023/24 Plan Year VSP Contract
              H   2022/23 Plan Year Benefits & Rates

              A Minutes of 9/23/2021 Meeting  
              B Financials as of 9/30/2021  
              C New & Current Medical Benefits

              A Minutes of 4/15/2021 Meeting  
              B Financials as of 6/30/2021  
              C   New Entity Joining the Plan
              D   Savings Opportunities
              E   Covid-19 Review
              F   Audit Agreement
              G  No Surprise Act
              H  ARP Review
              I Meeting Dates for 2022

              Meeting Cancelled

              A Minutes of 2/25/2021 Meeting  
              B New Treasurer/Secretary Board Position
              C Financials as of 2/28/2021  
              D Line of Credit Loan Approval
              E Administrator Contract for 2021/22 Plan Year  
              F Life Insurance Contract for 2021/22 Plan Year
              G   Pre-Med Defender Plan Design
              H   New Board Members Approval

              A Minutes of 8/20/2020 Meeting  
              B New Board Members Approval
              C Financials as of 12/31/2020  
              D 2019/20 Plan Year Audit  
              E New Entities Joining the Health Plan
              F 2021/22 Plan Year Benefits & Rates
                     2021/22 Actuary Study  
              G   2021/22 Plan Year ASO & Stop Loss Contracts

              Meeting Cancelled

              A Minutes of 8/20/2020 Meeting  
              B Financials as of 8/31/2020  
              C New Benefits Review
              D Rx Review  
              E Proposed 2021 Meeting Dates  
              F Audit Engagement Letter

              A Minutes of 1/16/2020 Meeting  
              B Financials as of 6/30/2020  
              C Administration Agreement  
              D Stop Loss Contract  
              E No Materials
              F Annual Renewal Period & New Plan Year Benefits  
              G Entities Joining the Health Plan  

              Meeting Cancelled

              A Minutes of 10/24/2019 Meeting  
              B Financials as of 11/30/2019  
              C Audit of 2018-2019 Plan Year  
              D No Materials
              E Contracts, Benefits & Rates for 2020-21 Plan Year:
                     1 Actuary Study
                     2 No Materials
                     3 No Materials
                     4 Health Coverage Benefit Changes  
                            a No Materials
                            b No Materials
                            c No Materials
                            d No Materials
                            e Change in the Definition of Retiree Eligibility  
                     5 No Materials
              F Annual Renewal Period (ARP) Timeline  
              G New Groups  
              H No Materials

              A Unapproved Minutes of 8/15/2019 Meeting  
              B Unapproved Financials as of 8/31/2019  
              C No Materials
              D Rx Review  
              E Propsoed Benefit Changes for 2020_21 Plan Year  
              F No Materials

              A Unapproved Minutes of 4/18/2019 Meeting  
              B Unapproved Financials as of 6/30/2019  
              C No Materials
              D Express Scripts Rx Change  
              E No Materials
              F No Materials
              G No Materials
              H No Materials
              I Meeting Dates for 2020  

              A Unapproved Minutes of 1/24/2019 Meeting  
              B Unapproved Financials as of 2/28/2019  
              C Annual Audit for Plan Year Ending 6/30/2018  
              D No Materials
              E No Materials
              F No Materials
              G No Materials
              H No Materials

              A Unapproved Minutes of 10/18/2018 Meeting  
              B New Voting Board Member  
              C Unapproved Financials as of 11/30/2018  
              D No materials
              E  2019-20 Plan Year Preparation
                     1 Unapproved Actuary Study for 2019-20 Plan Year  
                              Proposed New Health Plan Design Options  
                     2 Proposed BCBSOK ASA Renewal
                              Supporting Documents  
                     3 Proposed Stop-Loss Renewal
                              Materials included with Medical ASA Renewal
                     4 Proposed Plan Design Changes  
                     5 Proposed New Health Plans  
                     6 Proposed Rates  
              F Annual Renewal for 2019-20 Plan Year  
              G Groups Leaving the Health Plan  
              H Marketing of the Health Plan