Member Cash Rewards Title Image

Earn Cash with Member Rewards Just for Having a Healthcare Procedure Earn from $25 to $500 for Over 1,600 Procedures

Resource Links
Procedures with Rewards  
Video - What is MemberRewards  
800 313 5162  

The price of health care services can differ by hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars based on where you get them. And higher cost does not always mean better quality. By choosing a cost-effective option for your care, not only can you save money on your out-of-pocket costs, but you may earn a cash Member Reward.

How it Works
There are no forms to fill out – it’s easy. Just follow these steps when a doctor suggests a medical procedure or service:

1. Log into Blue Access for Members at   or call 800 672 2567
2. Click the Doctors and Hospitals tab – then Find a Doctor or Hospital
3. Search to compare choices and select a reward eligible location
4. Have the procedure or service at the reward eligible location chosen
5. Once the claim is paid, the member receives a check in the mail